Housing is a Human Right
The Canadian Government declared housing a human right as everyone needs a home but not everyone has one. Homelessness exists in Oxford County, and it can happen to anyone. People without a home are members of our community-our neighbours, friends, and coworkers.
While solutions to our current crisis are complicated, they are possible. Housing that is safe and affordable, with supports if needed, will ensure that all people in Oxford thrive.
Oxford Housing Action Collaborative
The Oxford Housing Action Collaborative was formed in 2019 to help address the Oxford County housing crisis. The group consists of the CMHA Thames Valley Addictions and Mental Health Services, Rotary Pathways, Domestic Abuse Services Oxford, Southwestern Public Health, Operation Sharing, Indwell, Ingamo Homes, Oxford County Community Health Centre, Oxford County Library, Salvation Army Woodstock, Social Planning Council Oxford, Tillsonburg/Ingersoll Hospital, United Way Oxford, OPP, Oxford County, and private developers. Ask us how you can get involved.